§ 5-51-11 Duplicate licenses Seals Rubber stamps. (a) Only one certificate of registration or license shall be issued to alicensed landscape architect. A duplicate certificate may be issued by theboard should the original certificate be lost or damaged. Applications for aduplicate certificate shall be submitted to the board office. The required feemust be submitted with the application for a duplicate certificate.
(b) For the purpose of signing all final drawings, plans,specifications, reports, and other contract documents, each licensed landscapearchitect shall obtain an individual seal, and a rubber stamp (a facsimile ofthe seal) to be used on documents prepared by him or her, or under his or hersupervision.
(2) Firms consisting of more than one licensed landscapearchitect may use a single seal identifying a partner (if a partnership orlimited liability partnership), officer, or director (if a corporation) or amember or manager (if a limited liability company) as being personallyresponsible for the professional services provided.
(3) The board shall furnish a copy of the authorized sealfrom which the applicant can have a seal and stamp made.
(c) The application of the seal impression, to the firstsheet of bound sets of drawings (with index of drawings included), title pageof specifications, and to other drawings and contract documents shallconstitute the registered landscape architect stamp.
(d) The rubber stamp may be applied on all tracings toproduce legible reproduction on all copies or prints made from the tracings.This provision does not in any manner modify the requirements of this section.