§ 5-51-2 Board Creation Composition Appointment, terms, and qualifications of members Duties Compensation. (a) There is established a state board of landscape architects which consistsof seven (7) members.
(2) On May 19, 1975, the governor shall appoint one member toserve until the first day of February, 1976, or until his or her successor isappointed and qualified; one member to serve until the first day of February,1977, or until his or her successor is appointed and qualified; one member toserve until the first day of February, 1978, or until his or her successor isappointed and qualified; one member to serve until the first day of February,1979, or until his or her successor is appointed and qualified; and one memberto serve until February, 1980, or until his or her successor is appointed andqualified.
(3) Upon completion of the original term the terms of membersidentified in subdivision (2) of this subsection shall be for five (5) years.
(4) One member of the board shall be from the general public;and one member shall be from the state department of environmental management.Those members shall serve for terms of five (5) years.
(5) Three (3) members of the board shall be landscapearchitects whose residences and principal places of business shall be withinthis state, who have been actively engaged in the practice of landscapearchitecture within this state. The original appointees to the board do notneed to be registered but engaged in the practice of landscape architecture fora minimum of four (4) years.
(6) The governor may remove any member from office formisconduct, incapacity or neglect of duty.
(b) During the month of July of each year, the board shallelect from its members a chairperson and a vice chairperson.
(c) The secretary of the board shall keep a true and completerecord of all proceedings of the board and shall aid in the enforcement of thischapter.
(d) The board may make all necessary regulations and bylawsnot inconsistent with this chapter.
(e) In carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter,the board may subpoena witnesses and compel their attendance and may requirethe production of books, papers, and documents in any proceeding involving therevocation of registration, or practicing or offering to practice withoutregistration.
(1) Any member of the board may administer oaths oraffirmations to witnesses appearing before the board.
(2) If any person fails to appear in response to thatprocess, or if, having appeared in obedience to the process, he or she refusesto answer any pertinent questions put to him or her by any member of the boardor its counsel, he or she, upon presentation of those facts to the superiorcourt, shall be subject to any fines and penalties that might be imposed bythis court if that failure or refusal occurred in any civil action pending inthat court.
(f) The board may establish a procedure for complaintsconcerning any licensed or certified landscape architects.
(g) The board shall establish procedures and programs inconjunction with the department of environmental management and may annuallypublish a report of its activities, operations, and recommendations.
(h) Members of the board shall not be compensated formeetings attended.