§ 5-51-9 Annual renewal of licenses andcertificates of authorization. (a) Every license shall be valid for a period of two (2) years and shall expireon the last day of June of each odd numbered year following its issuance. Everycertificate of authorization shall be valid for a period of two (2) years andshall expire on the last day of June of each even numbered year following itsissuance. A license or certificate of authorization may be renewed by payingthe renewal fee required by § 5-51-14. A landscape architect who fails torenew his or her license prior to each June 30, may not thereafter renew his orher license except upon payment of the renewal fee and the additional fee(s)required by § 5-51-14. A landscape architectural firm, which fails torenew its certificate of authorization prior to each June 30, may notthereafter renew its certificate of authorization except upon payment of therenewal fee and the additional fee(s) required in § 5-51-14. Thecertificates of authorization shall be issued by the board, indicating the soleproprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, corporation, orlimited liability company named in it is permitted to practice landscapearchitecture in this state. A license or certificate of authorization shall notbe renewed until the renewal fee is received by the board.
(2) Licenses and certificates of authorization not renewed bythe payment of the renewal fee prior to each June 30, shall be construed to beexpired, and shall require an application for reinstatement.
(b) The board may determine and establish rules andregulations for continuing education requirements and other recertificationprocedures as the board deems necessary.
(c) The board may require all applicants for renewal toprovide the board with any information, including but not limited to, a briefoutline setting forth the professional activities of any applicant during aperiod in which a license or certificate of authorization has lapsed and otherevidence of the continued competence and good character of the applicant, thatthe board deems necessary.