§ 5-53.1-11 Nonresident professionalfundraisers, fundraising counsel and professional solicitors; designation ofdirector as agent for service of process; service of process. (a) Any professional fundraiser, fundraising counsel or professional solicitorhaving his, her or its principal place of business outside of this state ororganized under the laws of a foreign state, who or which shall solicitcontributions or act as a fundraising counsel in this state shall be deemed tohave irrevocably appointed the director as his, her or its agent upon whom maybe served any summons, subpoena, subpoena duces tecum, or other processdirected to the professional fundraiser, fundraising counsel or professionalsolicitor or any partner, principal, officer, member, trustee or directorthereof, with the same effect as if the professional fundraiser, fundraisingcounsel or professional solicitor existed in this state.
(b) Whenever lawful process shall be served upon thedirector, the director shall forward a copy of the process served on him or herby mail, postpaid, directed to the professional fundraiser, fundraising counselor professional solicitor. For each copy of the process served the directorshall collect, for the use of the state, the sum of five dollars ($5.00), whichshall be paid by the plaintiff at the time of service.