§ 5-54-11 Issuance and annual renewal ofcertificates of licensure. (a) The board shall recommend to the director for registration thoseindividuals who meet the criteria for licensure as stated in this chapter. Uponthat recommendation, the director shall issue a certificate of licensure as aphysician assistant.
(b) The certificate of licensure shall expire biannually onthe thirtieth (30th) day of June. On or before the first day of March in eachyear, the administrator shall mail an application for a renewal certificate toevery person licensed under the provisions of this chapter, and every personwho desires his or her certificate to be renewed shall file with the divisionthe renewal application together with a renewal fee of one hundred and seventydollars ($170) on or before the first day of June in every other year. Uponreceipt of the renewal application and payment of fee, the accuracy of theapplication shall be verified and the administrator shall grant a renewalcertificate effective July 1st and expiring June 30th two years hence, unlessthe certificate is sooner suspended for cause as provided in § 5-54-12.