§ 5-54-13 Procedure for discipline. (a) When a sworn complaint is filed with the board charging a person with beingguilty of any of the actions specified in § 5-54-12, the division ofprofessional regulation or the board shall immediately investigate thosecharges. In the event that investigation reveals reasonable grounds forbelieving that the applicant or physician assistant is guilty of the charges,and upon the recommendation of the board or the administrator, the directorshall fix a time and place for a hearing, and shall cause a copy of the chargestogether with a notice of the time and the place fixed for the hearing to beserved upon the accused at least twenty (20) days prior to the time fixed forthe hearing. At the hearing, the accused has the right to appear personally orby counsel or both, to produce witnesses and evidence on his or her behalf, tocross-examine witnesses and to have subpoenas issued by the administrator ofprofessional regulation. The attendance of witnesses and the production ofbooks, documents, and papers at the hearing may be compelled by subpoenasissued by the administrator which shall be served in accordance with law. Atthe hearing, the director or his or her designee shall administer oaths thatmay be necessary for the proper conduct of the hearing. The director of healthor his or her designee is not bound by the strict rules of procedure or by thelaws of evidence in the conduct of its proceedings but the determination shallbe based upon sufficient legal evidence to sustain it. If the accused is foundguilty of the charges, the director may refuse to issue a registration to theapplicant or may revoke or suspend his or her certificate or discipline theperson.
(b) Upon the revocation or suspension of any certificate, theholder of the certificate shall surrender the certificate to the administratorof professional regulation who shall strike the name of the holder from theregister of physician assistants.