§ 5-54-7 Board of licensure Powersand duties. (a) The board shall administer, coordinate, and enforce the provisions of thischapter, approve programs for the training of physician assistants, evaluatethe qualifications of applicants, supervise any examination of applicantsdeemed necessary, recommend to the director the commencement of disciplinaryhearings in accordance with chapter 35 of title 42 and the provisions of thischapter, and investigate persons engaging in practices which violate theprovisions of this chapter. This authority shall specifically encompasspracticing physician assistants, supervisory physicians, and those health careagencies employing physician assistants. The board shall investigate allpersons and agencies engaging in practices which violate the provisions in thischapter.
(b) The board shall conduct hearings of a non-disciplinarynature and shall keep the records and minutes that are necessary to an orderlydispatch of business.
(c) The board, with the approval of the director of thedepartment of health, shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to carry intoeffect the provisions of this chapter and may amend or repeal them.
(d) Regular meetings of the board shall be held at any timeand places that the board prescribes and special meetings shall be held uponthe call of the chairperson; provided, that at least one regular meeting isheld each year.
(e) The conferral or enumeration of specific powers in thischapter shall not be construed as a limitation of the general powers conferredby this section.
(f) The board shall recommend to the director forregistration those persons meeting the criteria stated by this chapter.
(g) The board shall recommend to the director the revocationor suspension of the registration of any physician assistant who does notconform to the requirements of this chapter or regulations adopted under thischapter.
(h) In accordance with its authority under subsection (a) ofthis section the board shall make recommendations to the director fordiscipline of supervising physicians and employing health care agencies foundwanting in their use of physician assistants.
(i) The board shall approve programs for continuing medicaleducation.