§ 5-55-8 Legal and equitable remedies. (a) If a franchisor or distributor engages in conduct prohibited under thischapter, a franchisee or a distributor may maintain a suit against thatfranchisor or distributor. Where that suit involves termination or nonrenewalfor good cause, the burden of establishing good cause shall be on thefranchisor.
(b) The court shall grant the equitable relief that isnecessary to remedy the effects of conduct prohibited under this chapter, whichit finds to exist, including declaratory judgment and mandatory or prohibitiveinjunctive relief. The court may grant interim equitable relief, and actual andpunitive damages where indicated, in suits under this chapter and may, unlessthe suit is frivolous, direct that costs, reasonable attorney and expertwitness fees to be paid by the franchisor, in the event franchisee prevails.