§ 5-59.1-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "ABC" means the American Board for Certification inOrthotics and Prosthetics or its successor agency.
(2) "BOC" means the Board for Orthotist/ProsthetistCertification or its successor agency.
(3) "Custom fabricated orthotics" or "custom made orthotics"means devices designed and fabricated, in turn, from raw materials for aspecific patient and require the generation of an image, form, or mold thatreplicates the patient's body or body segment and, in turn, involves therectification of an image.
(4) "Department" means the Rhode Island department of health.
(5) "Director" means the director of the department of health.
(6) "Direct-formed orthoses" means devices formed or shapedduring the molding process directly on the patient's body or body segment.
(7) "Licensed Orthotist" means a person licensed under thischapter to practice orthotics.
(8) "Licensed Prosthetist" means a person licensed under thischapter to practice prosthetics.
(9) "Off-the-shelf orthosis" means devices manufactured bycompanies registered with the Federal Food and Drug Administration other thandevices designed for a particular person based on that particular person'scondition.
(10) "Orthosis" means a custom fabricated brace or supportthat is designed based on medical necessity. Orthosis does not includeprefabricated or direct-formed orthotic devices, as defined in this section, orany of the following assistive technology devices: commercially available kneeorthoses used following injury or surgery; spastic muscle-tone inhibitingorthoses; upper extremity adaptive equipment; finger splints; hand splints;wrist gauntlets; face masks used following burns; wheelchair seating that is anintegral part of the wheelchair and not worn by the patient independent of thewheelchair; fabric or elastic supports; corsets; low-temperature formed plasticsplints; trusses; elastic hose; canes; crutches; cervical collars; dentalappliances; and other similar devises as determined by the director, such asthose commonly carried in stock by a pharmacy, department store, corset shop,or surgical supply facility.
(11) "Orthotics" means the science and practice ofevaluating, measuring, designing, fabricating, assembling, fitting, adjustingor, servicing, as well as providing the initial training necessary toaccomplish the fitting of, an orthosis for the support, correction, oralleviation of neuromuscular or musculoskeletal dysfunction, disease, injury ordeformity. The practice of orthotics encompasses evaluation, treatment, andconsultation; with basic observational gait and postural analysis, orthotistsassess and design orthoses to maximize function and provide not only thesupport but the alignment necessary to either prevent or correct deformity orto improve the safety and efficiency of mobility or locomotion, or both.Orthotic practice includes providing continuing patient care in order to assessits effect on the patient's tissues and to assure proper fit and function ofthe orthotic device by periodic evaluation.
(12) "Orthotist" means an allied health professional who isspecifically trained and educated to provide or manage the provision of acustom-designed, fabricated, modified and fitted external orthosis to anorthotic patient, based on a clinical assessment and a physician'sprescription, to restore physiological function and/or cosmesis, and certifiedby ABC or BOC.
(13) "Physician" means a doctor of allopathic medicine(M.D.), osteopathic medicine (D.O.), podiatric medicine (D.P.M.), andchiropractic medicine (D.C.).
(14) "Prefabricated orthoses" or "off-shelf orthoses" meansdevices that are manufactured as commercially available stock items for nospecific patient.
(15) "Prosthesis" means an artificial limb that is alignableor, in lower extremity applications, capable of weight bearing. Prosthesis alsomeans an artificial medical device that is not surgically implanted and that isused to replace a missing limb, appendage, or other external human body partincluding an artificial limb, hand, or foot. The term does not includeartificial eyes, ears, noses, dental appliances, osotmy products, or devicessuch as eyelashes or wigs or artificial breasts.
(16) "Prosthetics" means the science and practice ofevaluation, measuring, designing, fabricating, assembling, fitting, aligning,adjusting or servicing, as well as providing the initial training necessary toaccomplish the fitting of, a prosthesis through the replacement of externalparts of a human body, lost due to amputation or congenital deformities orabsences. The practice of prosthetics also includes the generation of an image,form, or mold that replicates the patient's body or body segment and thatrequires rectification of dimensions, contours and volumes for use in thedesign and fabrication of a socket to accept a residual anatomic limb to, inturn, create an artificial appendage that is designed either to support bodyweight or to improve or restore function or cosmesis, or both. Involved in thepractice of prosthetics is observational gait analysis and clinical assessmentof the requirements necessary to refine and mechanically fix the relativeposition of various parts of the prosthesis to maximize function, stability,and safety of the patient. The practice of prosthetics includes providing andcontinuing patient care in order to assess the prosthetic device's effect onthe patient's tissues and to assure proper fit and function of the prostheticdevice by periodic evaluation.
(17) "Prosthetist" means a practitioner, certified by the ABCor BOC, who provides care to patients with partial or total absence of a limbby designing, fabricating, and fitting devices, known as prostheses. At therequest of and in consultation with physicians, the prosthetist assists informulation of prescriptions for prostheses, and examines and evaluatespatients' prosthetic needs in relation to their disease entity and functionalloss. In providing the prostheses, he or she is responsible for formulating itsdesign, including selection of materials and components; making all necessarycosts, measurements and model modifications; performing fittings includingstatic and dynamic alignments; evaluating the prosthesis on the patient;instructing the patient in its use, and maintaining adequate patient records;all in conformity with the prescription.