§ 5-59.1-8 Exceptions. This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit:
(a) A physician licensed in this state from engaging in thepractice for which he or she is licensed;
(b) The practice of orthotics or prosthetics by a person whois employed by the federal government while in the discharge of the employee'sofficial duties;
(c) The practice of orthotics or prosthetics by a residentcontinuing his or her clinical education in a residency accredited by theNational Commission on Orthotic and Prosthetic Education;
(d) Consistent with his or her license, a licensedpharmacist, physical or occupational therapist, or certified athletic trainerfrom engaging in his or her profession; or
(e) Measuring, fitting, or adjusting an off-the-shelforthosis by employees or authorized representatives of an orthosismanufacturer, which is registered with the Federal Food and Drug Administrationwhen such employee or representative is supervised by a physician.