§ 5-6-13 Journeyperson and burnerpersonrestricted to work as employee of licensee. (a) Except as provided in § 5-6-14, a holder of a Certificate B is notentitled to do any work of installing wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures, orother appliances for carrying or using electricity for light, heat, or powerpurposes except as an employee of a holder of a Certificate A, of a CertificateC, or a Certificate D, or unless the holder of a Certificate B is alsoregistered as an electrical contractor and holds a certificate.
(b) A holder of a Certificate F is not entitled to do anywork on electric wiring, conduits, apparatus, fixtures, or other appliances forcarrying or using electricity for light, heat, or power purposes, except as anemployee of a holder of a Certificate E or A unless the holder of a CertificateF is also registered as an oil burner contractor and holds a Certificate E.
(c) A holder of a Certificate AF is limited to fire alarm,fixtures, equipment for fire alarm purposes only, and life safety equipmentonly unless the holder of a Certificate AF also holds a Certificate BF.
(d) A holder of a Certificate SCF is limited to electricalsign contracting only. A Certificate CF is required for the actual installationof the electrical sign.
(e) A holder of a Certificate LPC is limited to lightningprotection contracting only. A Certificate LPI is required for the actualinstallation of the lightning protection system.