§ 5-6-16 License fees. (a) All licenses issued by the division of professional regulation for masterelectricians, all limited license electricians and all journeypersonelectricians born in odd years shall expire on the birthday of the individualqualifying for the license in odd years and all license of master electricians,all limited license electricians and all journeyperson electricians born ineven years shall expire on the birthday of the individual qualifying for thelicense in even years and all licenses may be renewed on or before theirexpiration date upon payment of the appropriate biennial renewal fee.
(b) A fee of two hundred forty dollars ($240) shall be paidby each applicant for an electrical contractor's license Class A; seventy-twodollars ($72.00) for a journeyperson electrician's license Class B; two hundredforty dollars ($240) for a limited premises license Class C; two hundred fortydollars ($240) for an oil burner contractor's license Class E; seventy-twodollars ($72.00) for an oil burnerperson's license Class F; two hundred fortydollars ($240) for a fire alarm contractor's license Class AF; seventy-twodollars ($72.00) for a fire alarm installer's license Class BF; two hundredforty dollars ($240) for an electrical sign contractor's license SCF;seventy-two dollars ($72.00) for a sign installer's license Class CF; and twohundred forty dollars ($240) for a limited maintenance license Class D.
(c) A fee of two hundred forty dollars ($240) shall be paidby each applicant for a lightning protection contractor's license Class LPC.
(d) A fee of seventy-two dollars ($72.00) shall be paid byeach applicant for a lightning protection installer's license LPI.