§ 5-6-24 Apprentices Registrationfee. (a) This chapter does not forbid the employment of one properly limitedregistered apprentice electrician working with and under the direct personalsupervision of a licensed journeyperson electrician. Additionally, this chapterdoes not forbid the employment of: (1) one properly registered apprentice oilburnerperson working with and under the direct personal supervision of alicensed oil burnerperson; (2) one properly registered apprentice fire alarminstaller working with and under the direct personal supervision of a licensedfire alarm installer; or (3) two (2) properly registered apprentice electricalsign installer working with and under the direct personal supervision of alicensed electrical sign installer; (4) one properly registered apprenticemaintenance electrician working with and under the direct personal supervisionof a valid Class C or Class D license holder; or (5) one properly registeredapprentice lightning protection installer working with and under the directpersonal supervision of a licensed lightning protection installer (LPI).Apprentices are required to register with the division of professionalregulation initially upon payment of a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) per year.Apprentices are required to register with the division of professionalregulation immediately upon employment with a properly licensed electricalcontractor or lightning protection contractor.
(b) Indentured apprentice electricians are required to work aminimum of eight thousand (8,000) hours over a period of time of not less thanfour (4) years and successfully complete one hundred forty-four (144) hours ofrelated instruction per year in an indentured apprenticeship program approvedby the Rhode Island department of labor and training, to qualify for thejourneyperson "B" electrician examination; provided, however, apprentices mayreceive credit for one hundred forty-four (144) hours of classroom traininggained in a vocational school authorized by the board of regents for elementaryand secondary education and approved by the Rhode Island department of laborand training apprenticeship council. Provided, that the test applicant haspossessed for at least four (4) years prior to the filing of the application acertificate of registration in full force and effect from the department oflabor and training of Rhode Island specifying the person as an indenturedapprentice, and the application of an applicant is accompanied by an affidavitor affidavits of his or her employer or former employers or other reasonablysatisfactory evidence showing that the applicant has been actually engaged inelectrical work as an apprentice in Rhode Island during those four (4) years,or the application is accompanied by an affidavit or other reasonablysatisfactory evidence showing that the applicant has successfully completed acourse of study in a recognized college or university and has pursued a courseof electrical technology for at least two (2) academic years or is therecipient of an associate degree in electrical technology, and has thereafterbeen indentured by the department of labor and training as an apprentice for atleast two (2) years and employed as an indentured apprentice by a duly licensedelectrician master in this state for a period of two (2) years, or a showingthat the applicant possesses a certificate of license issued under the laws ofanother state. Limited registered apprentice electricians shall be required towork a minimum of four thousand (4,000) hours over a period of time of not lessthan two (2) years.
(c) Indentured apprentice maintenance electricians arerequired to work a minimum of six thousand (6,000) hours over a period of timeof not less than three (3) years and successfully complete a one hundredforty-four (144) hours of related instruction per year in an indenturedapprenticeship program approved by the Rhode Island department of labor andtraining, to qualify for the journeyperson "M" electrician examination.Provided, however, that the test applicant has possessed for at least three (3)years prior to the filing of the application a certificate of registration infull force and effect from the department of labor and training of Rhode Islandspecifying the person as an indentured apprentice, and the application of anapplicant is accompanied by an affidavit or affidavits of his or her employeror former employers or other reasonably satisfactory evidence showing that theapplicant has been actually engaged in electrical work as an apprentice inRhode Island during those three (3) years. Class M journeyperson electriciansmay qualify to take the journeyperson "B" electrician examination uponregistering as a fourth year apprentice and becoming employed by a properlylicensed Class A electrical contractor for that period of time.
(d) Apprentice lightning protection installers are requiredto work a minimum of four thousand (4,000) hours over a period of time of notless than two (2) years to qualify for the lightning protection installer (LPI)examination. Provided, that the test applicant has possessed for at least two(2) years prior to the filing of the application a certificate of registrationin full force and effect from the department of labor and training of RhodeIsland specifying the person as an apprentice lightning protection installer,and the application of an applicant is accompanied by an affidavit oraffidavits of his or her employer or former employers or other reasonablysatisfactory evidence showing that the applicant has been actually engaged inlightning protection work as an apprentice during those two (2) years.