§ 5-60-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Athletic trainer" means a person with the specificqualifications established in § 5-60-10 who, upon the direction of his orher team physician and/or consulting physician, carries out the practice ofathletic training to athletic injuries incurred by athletes in preparation ofor participation in an athletic program being conducted by an educationalinstitution under the jurisdiction of an interscholastic or intercollegiategoverning body, a professional athletic organization, or a board sanctionedamateur athletic organization; provided, that no athlete shall receive athletictraining services if classified as geriatric by the consulting physician. Noathlete shall receive athletic training services if non-athletic or age-relatedconditions exist or develop that render the individual debilitated ornon-athletic. To carry out these functions, the athletic trainer is authorizedto utilize modalities such as heat, light, sound, cold, electricity, exercise,or mechanical devices related to care and reconditioning. The athletic trainer,as defined in this chapter, shall not represent himself or herself or allow anemployer to represent him or her to be, any other classification of healthcareprofessional governed by a separate and distinct practice act. This includesbilling for services outside of the athletic trainer's scope of practice,including, but not limited to services labeled as physical therapy.
(2) "Board" means the Rhode Island board of athletic trainersestablished under § 5-60-4.
(3) "Department of health" means the department of stateunder which the board of athletic trainers is listed.
(4) "Director" means the director or state official in chargeof the department of health.