§ 5-60-5 Board Powers and duties. Subject to the approval of the director, the board has the powers and duties to:
(1) Make rules and regulations consistent with this chapter,which are necessary for the performance of its duties.
(2) Prescribe application forms for license applicants.
(3) Keep a complete record of all licensed athletic trainersand prepare annually a roster showing the names and addresses of all licensedathletic trainers, and make available a copy of the roster to any personrequesting it on payment of a fee established by the departmentsufficient tocover the costs of the roster.
(4) Keep a permanent record of all proceedings under thischapter.
(5) Issue licenses to qualified applicants.
(6) Conduct hearings to deny, revoke, suspend, or refuserenewal of licenses under this chapter, and issue subpoenas to compel witnessesto testify or produce evidence at the hearings.