§ 5-61-3 Registration. (a) Not less than ten (10) days prior to doing business in this state, atelephone sales solicitation operation or telephonic seller shall register withthe department by filing with the consumer protection division of thedepartment the information required by § 5-61-4 and a filing fee of onehundred dollars ($100). A seller is deemed to do business in this state if theseller solicits prospective purchasers from locations in this state or solicitsprospective purchasers who are located in this state. The information requiredby § 5-61-4 shall be submitted on a form provided by the attorney general.The information shall be verified by a declaration signed by each principal ofthe telephone sales solicitation operation under penalty of perjury. Thedeclaration shall specify the date and location of signing. Informationsubmitted pursuant to § 5-61-4(10) or (11) shall be clearly identified andappended to the filing.
(b) Registration of a telephone sales solicitation businessshall be valid for one year from its effective date and may be annually renewedby making the filing required by § 5-61-4 and paying a filing fee of onehundred dollars ($100), which shall be deposited into the general fund asgeneral revenue.
(c) Whenever, prior to expiration of a seller's annualregistration, there is a material change in the information required by §5-61-4, the seller, within ten (10) days, shall file an addendum updating theinformation with the consumer protection division of the department. Changes insalespersons soliciting on behalf of the seller shall be updated by addendumsfiled, if necessary, in quarterly intervals computed from the effective date ofregistration.
(d) Upon receipt of a filing and filing fee pursuant tosubdivision (a) or (b) of this section, the department shall send thetelephonic seller a written confirmation of receipt of the filing no later thanten (10) business days. If the seller has more than one business location, thewritten confirmation shall be sent to the principal business locationidentified in the seller's filing and the seller may make copies so that theseller has one for each business location. The seller shall post theconfirmation of receipt of filing, within ten (10) days of receipt, in aconspicuous place at each of the seller's business locations. The seller shallnot commence any telephone solicitations until the time that the writtenconfirmation is received.
(e) The consumer protection division of the department ofattorney general may delay, reject, or revoke a registration upon review of theinformation contained in the filing of the registration form, or as a result ofinformation relating to the conduct of the business operation.