§ 5-62-11 Express warranties formultiples. (a) When an art merchant furnishes the name of the artist of a multiple, orotherwise furnishes information required by this title for any time period asto transactions including offers, sales or consignments, the provisions of§ 5-62-9 shall apply, except that the section shall be deemed to includesales to art merchants. The existence of a reasonable basis in fact forinformation warranted shall not be a defense in an action to enforce thewarranty, except in the case of photographs produced prior to nineteen hundredfifty (1950), and multiples produced prior to nineteen hundred (1900).
(b) The provisions of § 5-62-9(4) shall apply when anart merchant disclaims knowledge as to a multiple about which information isrequired by this title; provided, that in addition, the disclaimer shall beineffective unless clearly, specifically and categorically stated as to eachitem of information and contained in the physical context of other languagesetting forth the required information as to a specific multiple.