§ 5-62-4 Artists' authorship rights. (a) Except as limited by § 5-62-5, the artist shall retain at all timesthe right to claim authorship, or, for just and valid reason, to disclaimauthorship of his or her work of fine art. The right to claim authorship shallinclude the right of the artist to have his or her name appear on or inconnection with the work of fine art as the artist. Just and valid reason fordisclaiming authorship shall include that the work of fine art has beenaltered, defaced, mutilated, or modified other than by the artist, without theartist's consent, and damage to the artist's reputation is reasonably likely toresult or has resulted from this.
(b) The rights created by this section shall exist inaddition to any other rights and duties which may now or in the future beapplicable.