§ 5-62-5 Limitations of applicability. (a) Alteration, defacement, mutilation, or modification of a work of fine artresulting from the passage of time or the inherent nature of the materials willnot by itself create a violation of § 5-62-3 or a right to disclaimauthorship under § 5-62-4(a); provided, that the alteration, defacement,mutilation, or modification was not the result of gross negligence inmaintaining or protecting the work of fine art.
(b) In the case of a reproduction, a change that is anordinary result of the medium of reproduction does not by itself create aviolation of § 5-62-3 or a right to disclaim authorship under §5-62-4(a).
(c) Conservation does not constitute an alteration,defacement, mutilation, or modification within the meaning of this chapterunless the conservation work is shown to be negligent.
(d) This chapter does not apply to work prepared undercontract for advertising or trade use unless the contract provides.
(e) The provisions of this chapter apply only to works offine art knowingly displayed in a place accessible to the public, published, orreproduced in this state.