§ 5-63.2-13 Licensure application. (a) Each person desiring to obtain a license as a practicing marriage andfamily therapist or clinical mental health counselor shall make application tothe board upon the form and in the manner that the board prescribes and shallfurnish satisfactory evidence to the board that she or he:
(1) Is of good moral character;
(2) Has not engaged or is not engaged in any practice orconduct which would be a ground for refusing to issue a license under §5-63.2-21 of this chapter;
(3) Is qualified for licensure pursuant to the requirementsof this chapter, or is currently certified by the Rhode Island department ofhealth as a mental health counselor or a marriage and family therapist. Thetransition from certification to licensure does not require an additional feepayment.
(b) Any person who applies to the board shall be issued alicense by the board if she or he meets the qualifications stated insubdivisions (a)(1), (2), and (3) of this section and provides satisfactoryevidence to the board that she or he:
(1) Meets educational experience qualifications as follows:
(i) Educational requirements: a master's degree orcertificate in advanced graduate studies or a doctoral degree in marriage andfamily therapy or mental health counseling from a recognized educationalinstitution, or a graduate degree in an allied field from a recognizededucational institution and graduate level course work which is equivalent to amaster's degree in marriage and family therapy or mental health counseling, asdetermined by the board.
(ii) Experience requirements: successful completion of two(2) calendar years of work experience in marriage and family therapy or mentalhealth counseling under qualified supervision following receipt of a qualifyingdegree.
(2) Passes an examination administered by the board.