§ 5-63.2-21 Grounds for discipline. The board has the power to deny, revoke or suspend any registration issued bythe administrator of professional regulation or applied for in accordance withthis chapter or to discipline a licensed clinical mental health counselorand/or a licensed marriage and family therapist upon proof that the person:
(1) Is guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attemptingto procure a registration;
(2) Is guilty of a felony or of a crime of immorality;
(3) Is habitually intemperate or is addicted to the use ofhabit-forming drugs;
(4) Is mentally incompetent;
(5) Has willfully or repeatedly violated any of theprovisions of this chapter;
(6) Is habitually negligent in the performance of his or herduties;
(7) Has willfully or repeatedly violated any of the ethicalprinciples governing mental health counselors and marriage and familytherapists and the practice of mental health counseling and marriage and familytherapy, as adopted by the board, and in force at the time a charge is made anddetermined by the board, regardless of whether or not the person is a member ofany national, regional or state professional association; provided, that theethical principles are of a nationally-recognized standard of the respectivenational professional organization.