§ 5-63.2-4 Composition of board Appointment, terms and removal of members. The director of the department of health with the approval of the governorshall appoint nine (9) electors as members of the board. Three (3) shall beclinical mental health counselors, at least two (2) of whom shall meet thequalifications of § 5-63.2-9 and have at least five (5) years of privatepractice experience in mental health counseling; three (3) shall be marriageand family therapists, who shall be clinical marriage and family therapists whomeet the qualifications of § 5-63.2-10 and have at least five (5) years ofprivate practice experience in marriage and family therapy; three (3) shall bemembers of the public. Commencing September 1996, the director of thedepartment of health shall appoint one clinical mental health counselor for oneyear, one clinical mental health counselor for two (2) years, one clinicalmental health counselor for three (3) years; one marriage and family therapistfor one year, one marriage and family therapist for two (2) years, and onemarriage and family therapist for three (3) years, and one public member fortwo (2) years, and two (2) public members for three (3) years. After this allterms of appointments shall be for three (3) years. In no instance shall aperson serve more than six (6) consecutive years on the board.