§ 5-64.1-9 Eligibility of dietarytechnicians. (a) An individual who is a dietetic technician, having graduated from adietetic technician program approved by the American Dietetic Association, butis not a member of D.M.A. nor certified by D.M.A., may qualify to sit for thecredentialing exam.
(b) Dietetic technicians who have graduated within the lastfive (5) years from a technician program approved by the American DieteticAssociation may qualify for membership in D.M.A.
(c) An associate member shall be an individual who holds anassociate, bachelors, or advanced degree in food service, health care, orrelated field, and who pays the required annual associates membership fee.
(2) The associate member may not vote or hold office perD.M.A. bylaws.
(3) The individual with the associate, bachelors, or advanceddegree, who elects to become an associate member in D.M.A., may qualify to sitfor the exam. If that individual passes the exam, he or she shall be eligibleto become certified.
(4) When certified, he or she may use the initials C.D.M.That person must maintain certified status by earning continuous educationclock hours and paying the annual certification fee.