§ 5-64-12 Exemptions. This chapter shall not be construed as preventing or restricting the practice,services, or activities of:
(1) Any person who does not call himself or herself adietitian/nutritionist from furnishing nutritional information to customers orany consumer as to the use of foods, food products, or dietary supplements inconnection with the marketing and distribution of those products; or to thegeneral public for educational purposes and any person who provides a weightloss program and/or health maintenance counseling as long as the persons do notengage in nutrition counseling for the management of disease, and do not holdthemselves out to be dietitians/nutritionists.
(2) A person licensed or certified in this state under anyother law from engaging in the profession or occupation for which the person islicensed or certified and any person holding a doctoral degree from anaccredited institution in nutrition or a related field as determined by theboard; and any person with a bachelor's degree in home economics fromfurnishing nutrition information incidental to the practice of his or herprofession.
(3) A person employed as a dietitian/nutritionist by thegovernment of the United States or the state or by a participating local agencyof the special supplemental food program for women, infants and children, ifthe person practices solely under direction or control of the organization bywhich the person is employed.
(4) A student enrolled in a board approved academic programin dietetics/nutrition.
(5) Family members, friends, or acquaintances who providegratuitous nutrition advice as long as the advisor does not hold himself orherself out to be a dietitian/nutritionist.
(6) Not-for-profit health-related agencies, as described in26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3), which provide nutrition information in the normalcourse of doing business.