§ 5-64-13 License expiration, renewal. All licenses under this chapter shall be renewed biennially and shall beaccompanied by a fee of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125). The applicationshall be accompanied or supported by evidence of the completion of a minimum oftwenty (20) continuing nutrition education credits as approved by the board,reported biennially every second year after the 1993 recertification period.Failure to file an application for a renewal license to practice and to furnishthe evidence shall constitute grounds for revocation, suspension, or refusal torenew the license, unless the board of dietetics in its discretion determinesthe failure to be due to reasonable cause or excusable neglect. This applicantshall be given six (6) months to make up the appropriate amount of creditsrequired to bring him or her into compliance. The candidate shall be subject toimmediate suspension or revocation of license.