§ 5-64-5 Rhode Island state board ofdietetics practice. (a) Within the division of professional regulation in the Rhode Islanddepartment of health there is a board of dietetics practice.
(1) The board shall consist of nine (9) members appointed forterms of three (3) years each with no member serving more than two (2)consecutive terms. One shall be the director of the department of health ordesignee. Five (5) shall be licensed dietitians/nutritionists appointed by thedirector of the department of health, with the approval of the governor, exceptthat the appointments made initially need not be licensed under this chapter.(In his or her initial appointment the director shall designate the licenseddietitian/nutritionist members of the board as follows: one member to serve fora term of one year; two (2) members to serve for a term of two (2) years; andtwo (2) members to serve for a term of three (3) years). One member shall be aphysician licensed to practice medicine in this state appointed by thegovernor. Two (2) shall be consumers appointed by the governor.
(2) The director of the department of health may remove anymember of the board for cause.
(3) Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired portion ofany term in the same manner as the original appointment.
(b) The duties of the board shall be to:
(1) Recommend to the director rules and regulations necessaryto implement this chapter.
(2) Determine the qualification and fitness of applicants andto issue and/or reinstate licenses.
(3) Recommend to the director revocation, suspension and/ordenial of a license.