§ 5-67-1 Registration required. (a) The city of Pawtucket may, by ordinance, require each person, persons,corporation, partnership, or other business organization operated for profit,prior to transacting or conducting business from any situs in the city, toobtain a registration certificate stating the name under which the person orpersons, corporation, partnership or other business organization is conductedor transacted, its business address and a specific description of the businessactivity.
(2) The registration certificate which is issued prior totransacting or conducting business from any situs in the city shall be issuedwithout the imposition of a filing fee. In addition, there shall be no generalrequirement that a registration certificate shall be renewed annually. Renewalof a registration certificate shall be required only when there is a change inthe situs as originally designated and filed.
(b) No ordinance passed under this section shall take effectuntil thirty (30) days after its final passage.
(2) No person or persons, corporation, partnership, or otherbusiness organization with less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) of tangibleproperty shall be required to register under this chapter.
(c) Any ordinance passed under this section shall be deemedas retroactive in its application so that it applies to each person, persons,corporation, partnership, or other business organization already transacting orconducting business from any situs in the city.