§ 5-68-6 Licensing without examination. (a) The board shall waive the education and examination requirements forapplicants who present proof of current licensure in a state which hasstandards at least equal to those for licensure in Rhode Island as determinedby the board.
(b) The division shall issue a license in the appropriatecategory to any person who:
(1) Has been working in the field of radiologic technology asa nuclear medicine technologist, or a radiation therapist, or as a radiographerin all aspects of radiography as defined by the board for three (3) consecutiveyears from 1986;
(2) Submits proof of the employment to the department ofhealth for review within one year after the adoption of the rules andregulations for radiologic technologists; and
(3) Is of good moral character.
(c) The division shall issue a limited license in radiologictechnology to any person who:
(1) Has been working in the field of radiologic technology asa radiographer in some but not all aspects of radiography as defined by theboard for three (3) consecutive years from 1987;
(2) Submits proof of the employment to the department ofhealth for review within one year after the adoption of the rules andregulations for radiologic technologists; and
(3) Is of good moral character.
(d) Persons shall be issued a limited license:
(1) Depending upon their level of professional training andexperience, as determined by a supervising licensed practitioner, may practiceradiologic technology consistent with their expertise and that of thesupervising licensed practitioner; and
(2) May practice radiologic technology only under the directsupervision of a licensed practitioner or a licensed radiologic technologist;and
(3) May not supervise others in the performance of radiologictechnology.