§ 5-68-8 Other licensing provisions. (a) The license issued by the department shall describe the licensed person asa "licensed radiographer", a "licensed nuclear medicine technologist" or a"licensed radiation therapist", licensed by the Rhode Island department ofhealth.
(b) Unless licensed as a "licensed radiographer", a "licensednuclear medicine technologist" or a "licensed radiation therapist" under theRadiologic Technology Act, no person shall use any title or abbreviation toindicate that the person is a licensed radiologic technologist.
(c) A valid license issued pursuant to this chapter shall becarried on the person of the radiologic technologist while performing theduties for which the license is required.
(d) Licenses, with the exception of initial licenses, shallbe issued for a period of two (2) years.
(e) License renewal dates shall be determined under the rulesand regulations.
(f) Licensees shall provide to the department proof of atleast ten (10) continuing education credits deemed acceptable for thesepurposes in the rules and regulations for radiologic technologist's for eachrenewal period of two (2) years starting every second year after the 1995recertification period. Failure to provide this evidence shall constitutegrounds for revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew the license.
(g) Any graduate of a training program approved by the boardwho files a completed application (including all documents except forexamination scores) for licensing shall be recognized, upon receiving a receiptfrom the Rhode Island department of health, division of professionalregulation, as a "graduate technologist". This shall authorize the applicant topractice that branch of radiologic technology applied for, until the nextsucceeding exam is given and until the results of the exam are distributed andacted upon by the board. In the event that the candidate fails the examination,all privileges issued under this graduate status shall be revoked.