§ 5-69-3 Title and practice regulation. (a) Any individual licensed under this chapter may use the title "licensedchemical dependency professional" and the abbreviation "LCDP" or the title"licensed chemical dependency clinical supervisor" and the abbreviation "LCDCS"provided that the title and abbreviation shall correspond to the license heldpursuant to this chapter.
(b) No individual shall represent herself or himself as a"licensed chemical dependency professional", "LCDP" "licensed chemicaldependency clinical supervisor", "LCDCS" unless she or he is licensed as a"licensed chemical dependency professional" or "licensed chemical dependencyclinical supervisor" pursuant to this chapter and provided that the title andabbreviation shall correspond to the licensed help pursuant to this chapter.
(c) Those presently holding the title "advanced chemicaldependency professional", advanced chemical dependency professional II and/or"licensed chemical dependency clinical supervisor" shall qualify for licensureas a "licensed chemical dependency professional" and/or "licensed chemicaldependency clinical supervisor". These applications must be received withinninety (90) days of the effective date of this chapter. The regular licensingfee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall apply.