§ 5-69-6 Licensing board. (a) Within the department there shall be established a board of licensing forchemical dependency professionals. The governor shall appoint a licensing boardconsisting of seven (7) members.
(b) Of the seven (7) licensing board members, three (3) shallbe licensed under this chapter;
(2) Licensing board members shall be:
(i) Two (2) members appointed by the governor shall berepresentatives of groups that reflect demographics of person(s) served;
(ii) Three (3) members shall represent the licensedprofessionals appointed by the director of health;
(iii) One member shall be an active member or administratorof the Rhode Island board for certification of chemical dependencyprofessionals appointed by the director of health;
(iv) One member shall be a consumer advocate from anestablished substance abuse recovery consumer advocacy group appointed by thedirector of health.
(3) Licensing board members shall serve without compensation.
(4) Each licensing board member shall take and subscribe tothe oath of affirmation prescribed by law and shall file this oath in theoffice of the secretary of state.
(5) The term of office shall be three (3) years, except thatof the members of the first licensing board. Three (3) shall be appointed for aterm of one year, three (3) for a term of two (2) years, three (3) for a termof three (3) years. At least one member representing the general public, andone member representing a minority group, as defined by the federal Departmentof Health, Education, and Welfare, shall be appointed for the initial term ofthree (3) full years. Successors to these licensing board positions shall beappointed for a term of three (3) years each, except that any person appointedto fill a vacancy shall be for the unexpired term of office. Upon expiration ofthe term of office, a member shall continueto serve until a successor isappointed and qualified. No person shall be appointed for more than two (2)consecutive three (3) year terms.
(6) The governor may remove any member of the licensing boardfor neglect of duty, malfeasance, conviction of a felony or a crime of moralturpitude while in office or for lack of attendance/participation in boardmeetings. No licensing board member shall participate in any matter before thelicensing board in which pecuniary interest, personal bias, or other similarconflicts of interests is established.