§ 5-69-8 Licenses. (a) The department shall issue the appropriate license to applicants who meetthe qualifications for the license as specified:
(1) "Licensed chemical dependency professional". Anyindividual desiring to obtain a license as a licensed chemical dependencyprofessional shall be currently certified as an advanced chemical dependencyprofessional or advanced chemical dependency professional II in accord with theICRC/AODA member board standards, as a prerequisite for submitting theapplication to the licensing board.
(2) "Licensed chemical dependency clinicalsupervisor". Any individual desiring to obtain a license as a licensedchemical dependency clinical supervisor shall be currently certified as anadvanced chemical dependency professional or advanced chemical dependencyprofessional II, shall have completed the ICRC/AODA member board standards forchemical dependency clinical supervisor, and shall submit an application to thelicensing board.
(3) Other. An applicant having a comparable license,certification, or reciprocity within Rhode Island or from another state orterritory of the United States that imposes qualifications substantiallysimilar to those of this chapter, as determined by the licensing board.
(b) In addition to the qualifications listed in this section,an applicant for any of these titles must prove to the licensing board'ssatisfaction:
(1) Good moral character that is a continuing requirement forlicensure;
(2) United States citizenship or status as a legal residentalien;
(3) Absence of a sanction from the National Association ofAlcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors, or ICRC/AODA member board sanction forviolation of the code of ethics, or other related state board which shall bewaived by the board upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that thesanction does not impair the ability of the person to conduct with safety tothe public the practice authorized by this license. The applicant shall bearthe burden of proving that his or her sanction does not impair his or herability to conduct with safety to the public the practice authorized by thislicense;
(4) Absence of conviction of a felony, which shall be waivedby the board upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that the convictiondoes not impair the ability of the person to conduct with safety to the publicthe practice authorized by this license. The applicant shall bear the burden ofproving that his or her conviction does not impair his or her ability toconduct with safety to the public the practice authorized by this license;
(5) That the applicant has not been declared mentallyincompetent by any court, and if the decree has ever been rendered, that therehas been a subsequent court determination that the applicant is competent; and
(6) Freedom from use of any controlled substance or anyalcoholic beverages to the extent that the use impairs the ability of theperson to conduct with safety to the public the practice authorized by thislicense. The applicant shall bear the burden of proving that he or she is freefrom use of any controlled substance or any alcoholic beverages that impair hisor her ability to conduct with safety to the public the practice authorized bythis license.