§ 5-7-1 License and regulation by localauthorities. The board of police commissioners or other similar authority of any city ortown, and in any city or town where there is no board of police commissionersor similar authority, the city council or the town council, may:
(1) License suitable persons as keepers of intelligence oremployment offices for the purpose of obtaining employment, or furnishinginformation concerning places of employment, of domestics, servants, laborers,and any other classes of employees, except seapersons, or for the purpose ofprocuring or giving information concerning those persons for or to employers,or for the purpose of procuring or giving information generally concerningemployment in business;
(2) Issue different classes of those licenses for all or anyof those purposes, fix the amount or amounts to be paid for the license orlicenses, and revoke any of those licenses at pleasure; and
(3) Make rules and regulations governing those offices andthe conduct of those offices and the business pertaining to them or transactedin them, and the charges for obtaining employment for any persons or furnishingthat information to any persons.