§ 5-7-3 Bond to payroll and other taxes. It is unlawful for anyone to establish or keep an intelligence or employmentoffice pursuant to this chapter without giving a bond to the department ofadministration's division of taxation in the amount of fifty thousand dollars($50,000) with surety for payroll and other taxes. Any temporary employmentservice, defined for the purposes of this chapter as an organization that hiresits own employees and assigns them to clients to support or supplement theclient's work force in work situations including, but not limited to, employeeabsences, temporary skill shortages, seasonal workloads and special assignmentsand projects, that have been certified by the division of taxation for at leasttwo (2) years as of July 8, 1997, shall be exempt from the bonding requirementsof this section. The provisions of this section only apply to those employmentservice organizations that generate a payroll, and do not apply to so called"permanent" employment agencies.