§ 5-70-17 Records. (a) The secretary of the board shall keep a record of its proceedings. Therecord shall include the name, age, and last known address of each applicantfor registration, information concerning each applicant's education,experience, and other qualifications, the text of all examinations administeredand the results and any other information that the board deems appropriate. Therecord of the board shall be prima facie evidence of the proceedings and acertified transcript by the secretary shall be admissible in evidence with thesame force and effect as if the original were produced.
(b) The board shall maintain a roster of technicians,specialists, and businesses. Copies of the roster shall be made availableannually to federal agencies within the state, city and town officials, and maybe distributed or sold to the public.
(c) The secretary of the board shall receive and account forall monies derived from the activities of the board and shall submit to thegovernor and the general assembly a report of its transactions of the precedingyear.