§ 5-70-4 Licensing authority. (a) There is established a board of examination and licensing oftelecommunications systems contractors, technicians, and installers which shallbe composed of seven (7) members. Five (5) members of the board shall betelecommunications systems professionals who shall be qualified for licensingunder the provisions of this chapter. One of these members shall also hold, atthe time of appointment, an electrical contractor license, certificate A issuedby this state. Each of the four (4) categories shall be represented by aminimum of one licensed professional within that category. Eachtelecommunications professional member of the board shall be actively engagedin either/or the design, installation, alteration, service, and testing oftelecommunications systems, as defined by this chapter, for ten (10)consecutive years immediately prior to appointment. One member of the boardshall be, at the time of appointment, an electrical inspector serving a city ortown in this state. One member of the board shall be, at the time ofappointment, a designated representative of the state building code commissionwho is knowledgeable in codes and regulations involving telecommunications.Each member of the board shall be a qualified elector of the state for three(3) consecutive years prior to appointment.
(b) Each member of the board shall be appointed by thegovernor with the advise and consent of the senate to serve for a term of seven(7) years and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. Not morethan one member of the board shall be directly employed with or by any singlebusiness, firm, or corporation.
(c) Initial appointments to the board shall be made for one,two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6) and seven (7) years in order toprovide for the expiration of one position each year.
(d) Vacancies occurring in the membership of the board shallbe filled by the governor with the advise and consent of the senate for theunexpired portion of the term. A member appointed for a full term shall not beeligible for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
(e) Each member of the board shall take and subscribe to theoath of office required of state officials generally.