§ 5-70-6 Unauthorized practice prohibited Criminal penalties Injunctions. (a) Except as provided in this chapter, no individual, firm, or corporationshall provide or offerto provide telecommunications services in this state oruseany title, sign, card, or device implying that the individual, firm, orcorporation is qualified to provide telecommunication services unless thatindividual, firm, or corporation is the beneficial holder of a currently validlicense issued pursuant to this chapter.
(b) Any individual, partnership, or corporation which isfound to have violated subsection (a) of this section, after notice and ahearing before the board of examination and licensing of telecommunicationsystems contractors, technicians, and installers, and approved by the directorof labor and training shall be obligated to pay a fine of not more than fivehundred dollars ($500) for the first offense, and a fine of not less than fivehundred dollars ($500) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for eachsubsequent offense.
(c) The director of labor and training has the power toinstitute injunction proceedings in superior court to prevent violations ofsubsection (a) of this section.