§ 5-75-10 Unemployment compensationinsurance. (a) For purposes of chapters 39 41 (Rhode Island Temporary DisabilityInsurance Act) and chapters 42 44 (Employment Security Act) of title 28only, the client company shall be considered to be an employer of its coveredemployees under any agreement with a professional employer organizationestablished under this chapter; provided, that the professional employerorganization shall report and pay all required unemployment contributions usingthe client company's state employer account number at the client company'sexperience rate as determined under § 28-43-8, or at the new employer rateestablished under § 28-43-8.3 if the client company does not qualify foran experience rate under § 28-43-8.
(b) The client company and PEO shall be jointly and severallyliable for all contributions, fines, interest, penalties and withholdings dueto the department of labor and training under chapters 39 44, of title28.