§ 5-76-2 Application for license toconduct business upon certification of taxes paid. (a) Any person applying to any department, board, commission, division,authority, or other agency of this state for any license or other authority toconduct a profession, trade or business, shall certify upon such application,under penalties of perjury that such person has filed all required tax returnsand paid all taxes due the state from such person or, if unpaid, is pursuingadministrative or appellate review of such taxes. Such license shall not beissued unless such certification is made.
(b) "Person" shall mean and include any individual,corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, joint ventureor other entity.
(c) "License" shall mean any license or other certificate ofauthority, including the periodic registration of attorneys, required toconduct a profession, trade or business in this state.
(d) For purposes of this chapter, "authority" shall alsorefer to the Rhode Island Supreme Court relating to the periodic registrationof attorneys.