§ 5-8.1-12 Board of registration forprofessional land surveyors Official stamp of professional landsurveyor. (a) A registrant under this chapter may obtain a Rhode Island seal of thedesign authorized by the board of land surveyors, bearing the registrant'sname, registration number, and the legend "Professional Land Surveyor". Finalsurveys, drawings, reports, plats, replats, plans, legal descriptions, andcalculations prepared by a registrant shall, when issued, be signed, dated, andstamped with the seal or facsimile of a seal. It is unlawful for a landsurveyor to affix, or permit his or her seal or facsimile of a seal to beaffixed, to any survey, drawing, report, plan, legal descriptions, plat,replat, report, legal description or calculations after expiration of acertificate or for the purpose of aiding or abetting any other person to evadeor attempt to evade any provisions of this chapter. It is unlawful for anyperson other than the registered land surveyor who has signed and sealed thesurvey, drawing, plan, plat, replat, report, legal description or calculationsto modify, change, amend, add, or delete any data, information, lines, angles,or areas shown on the survey, drawing, plan, plat, replat, or report.
(b) Upon revocation or suspension of his or her certificateof registration, or upon expiration of the certificate without renewal, aprofessional land surveyor shall surrender his or her stamp to the board ofland surveyors. The board has the power to institute proceedings in superiorcourt to enforce this subsection.
(c) Upon the death of any professional land surveyorregistered under this chapter, that person(s) appointed to administer theestate of the decedent shall surrender the stamp of the deceased professionalland surveyor to the board of land surveyors. The board has the power toinstitute proceedings in superior or probate court to enforce this subsection.