§ 5-8-8 Board Powers. (a) The board has the power to adopt and amend all bylaws and rules ofprocedure, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state orthis chapter, which may be reasonably necessary for the proper performance ofits duties.
(2) The board shall adopt and have an official seal, which isaffixed to each certificate issued.
(b) In carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter,the board, under the hand of its chairperson and the seal of the board, maysubpoena witnesses and compel their attendance, and also may require thesubmission of books, papers, documents, or other pertinent data, in anydisciplinary matters, or in any case in which a violation of this chapter isalleged. Upon failure or refusal to comply with that order of the board, orupon failure to honor its subpoena, as provided in this section, the board mayapply to a court of any jurisdiction to enforce compliance with that order orsubpoena.
(c) The board is authorized in the name of the state to applyfor relief by injunction in the established manner provided in cases of civilprocedure, without bond, to enforce the provisions of this chapter, or torestrain any violation of the provisions of this chapter. In injunctionproceedings, it shall not be necessary to allege or prove either that anadequate remedy at law does not exist or that substantial or irreparable damagewould result from the continued violation. The members of the board are notpersonally liable under this proceeding.