§ 5-80-4 Contract cancellation. (a) In addition to any other right of rescission, the foreclosed homeowner hasthe right to cancel any contract with a foreclosure purchaser until midnight ofthe fifth (5th) business day following the day on which the foreclosedhomeowner signs a contract that complies with §§ 5-80-1 5-80-6or until 8:00 a.m. on the last day of the period during which the foreclosedhomeowner has a right of redemption, whichever occurs first.
(b) Cancellation occurs when the foreclosed homeownerdelivers, by any means, written notice of cancellation to addresses specifiedin the contract.
(c) A notice of cancellation given by the foreclosedhomeowner need not take the particular form as provided with the contract.
(d) Within ten (10) days following the receipt of a notice ofcancellation given in accordance with this section, the foreclosure purchasershall return without condition any original contract and any other documentssigned by the foreclosed homeowner.