§ 6-11.1-13 Disqualifying criminal records Employees or agents of licensee. A licensee convicted in a court of this state, a court of another state or in afederal court, of a felony charge of forgery, embezzlement, obtaining moneyunder false pretenses, bribery, larceny, extortion, conspiracy to defraud,receiving stolen goods, burglary, breaking and entering, or any similar offenseor offenses, or tax evasion associated with the conduct of business under alicense issued pursuant to this chapter, shall forfeit his or her license.Prior to forfeiture of the license, the licensee may request a hearing on theforfeiture. The attorney general when so requested shall hold a hearing. Nolicensee shall employ or engage any person as an employee or agent whileengaging in the business of trading in precious metals who has been convictedof any of the offenses as they are described in this section and which shall bedeemed to be a disqualifying criminal record.