§ 6-11.1-3 Identification and authority ofseller Posting of prices Weighing. (a) Every person required to be licensed under this chapter shall requirepositive proof of identification with photograph, date of birth and currentaddress of every seller from whom precious metals or an article made from orcontaining a precious metal is to be purchased and shall require the seller tosign a statement on a form to be approved by the attorney general stating thatthe seller is the legal owner of the property or is the agent of the ownerauthorized to sell the property, and when and where or in what manner theproperty was obtained.
(b) Every person required to be licensed under this chaptershall, before purchasing any precious metal or article made from or containinga precious metal, shall require the seller, if a minor, to be accompanied bythe parent or legal guardian of the minor.
(c) Every person required to be licensed under this chaptershall post the prices per ounce that are currently being paid for preciousmetals in full sight of the prospective seller and the precious metals shall beweighed in full sight of the prospective seller.