§ 6-11-5 Labeling as to fineness of silverproducts. Any person, firm, corporation, or association who or which makes for sale orsells, or offers to sell or dispose of, or has in his, her, or its possessionwith intent to sell or dispose of, any article of merchandise made in whole orin part of silver or of any alloy of silver, and having stamped, branded,engraved, or imprinted upon any part of the article, or upon any tag, card, orlabel attached to it, or upon any box, package, cover, or wrapper in which thearticle is encased or enclosed, any mark or word (other than the word"sterling" or the word "coin") indicating, or designed or intended to indicate,that the silver or alloy of silver in the article is of greater degree offineness than the actual fineness or quality of the silver or alloy, unless theactual fineness of the silver or alloy of silver of which the article iscomposed is not less by more than four one-thousandths ( 4/1000) parts than theactual fineness indicated by the mark or word (other than the word "sterling"or "coin") stamped, branded, engraved, or imprinted upon any part of thearticle or upon any tag, card, or label attached to it, or upon any box,package, cover, or wrapper in which the article is encased or enclosed, subjectto the qualifications prescribed in this chapter, is guilty of a misdemeanor.