§ 6-13.1-16 Disclosure of service contractagreements. (a) It shall be a deceptive trade practice in violation of this chapter for anyservice contractor to fail to disclose to any person who is a prospectivecustomer, at the time that the person makes initial contact by any means withthe service contractor, that a service call made by the service contractor tothe home or business of the prospective customer will require the payment bythe prospective customer of separate and distinct fees for the following:
(1) Service charge the fee charged by the servicecontractor to respond to the request for service.
(2) Labor charge.
(b) As used in this section:
(1) "Service contractor" means a person engaged in thebusiness of repairing, overhauling, adjusting, assembling, or disassemblingconsumer goods.
(2) "Person" means a natural person, corporation, trust,partnership, incorporated or unincorporated association, and any other legalentity.