§ 6-13-17 Requiring consumers to furnishsocial security numbers. (a) Unless otherwise required by federal law, no person shall require that aconsumer of goods or services disclose a social security number incident to thesale of consumer goods or services; provided, however, that:
(1) Insurance companies and institutions licensed by thestate or federal government for financial services may require applicants forthose services to disclose their social security number;
(2) Social security numbers may be required for the providingand billing of health care or pharmaceutical-related services, including theissuance of identification cards and account numbers for users of health careor pharmaceutical-related services; and
(3) Disclosure may be required of a consumer as a conditionof applying for a credit card for the purchase of goods or services.
(b) Any person violating the provisions of this section shallbe guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not more thanfive hundred dollars ($500).
(c) In any civil action alleging a violation of this section,the court may award damages, reasonable attorney's fees, and costs to aprevailing consumer, and afford injunctive relief against any person orbusiness that commits or proposes to commit a violation of this section.