§ 6-13-2.1 Sales of milk. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, with intent to injure competitors ordestroy competition, to sell within the state any milk or render any service inconnection with the sale or distribution of milk at a price less than the costof the milk or services, including, in the case of milk sold, the originalpurchase price, and in every instance all regular direct or indirect elementsof cost, services, physical handling, and financial investment in the milk inquestion. No milk dealer shall with this intent use any method or device,either by discount or rebate, free service, advertising allowance, or by acombination price for the milk together with another commodity or service, as aresult of which the total price of the milk and the other commodity or serviceis less than the aggregate of the prices for the milk and commodity or servicewhen sold or offered for sale or performed separately or otherwise.
(b) Any person who shall violate the provisions of thissection shall upon conviction be subject to the penalty provided in §6-13-3. The provisions of §§ 6-13-3 6-13-8 shall apply to milkin the same manner as if milk were "merchandise."