§ 6-13-5 Sales exempt from chapter. This chapter shall not apply with respect to advertising or offering to sell orselling, at retail or at wholesale, as the case may be, if done:
(1) In an isolated transaction and not in the usual course ofbusiness;
(2) Where merchandise is sold in bona fide clearance sales,if advertised or offered for sale as such or marked and sold as such, or wheremerchandise is marked down in an effort to sell the merchandise after bona fideefforts to sell the merchandise prior to the markdown;
(3) Where perishable merchandise must be sold promptly inorder to forestall loss;
(4) Where merchandise is imperfect or damaged or its sale isbeing discontinued, if advertised or offered for sale as such or marked andsold as such;
(5) Where merchandise is advertised or offered for sale orsold upon the final liquidation of any business;
(6) Where merchandise is advertised or offered for sale orsold for charitable purposes or to relief agencies;
(7) Where merchandise is sold on contract to any department,board, or commission of this state or of any of its political subdivisions, orto any institution maintained thereby;
(8) Where merchandise is advertised or offered for sale orsold by any fiduciary or other officer acting under the order or direction ofany court.