§ 6-14-11 Continuance of business afterexpiration of license. Any person who, under the provisions of this chapter, conducts a "closing outsale," "going out of business sale," "discontinuance of business sale,""selling out," "liquidation," "lost our lease," "must vacate," "forced out,""removal," or a sale of other designation of like meaning, or a sale of goods,wares, and merchandise damaged by fire, smoke, water, or otherwise, beyond thedate specified by the sale, or who upon conclusion of the sale: (1) Continuesthat business which had been represented as "closing out," or "going out ofbusiness," or by similar designation as described in this chapter; or (2)Having discontinued the business, resumes the business within one year from theexpiration date of the license for the sale provided for in this chapter, underthe same name, or under a different name, at the same location, or elsewhere inthe same city or town where the inventory for the sale was filed, or who, uponconclusion of the sale, continues business contrary to the designation of thesale; shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, befined in a sum not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundreddollars ($500) or shall be imprisoned for not less than ten (10) days nor morethan six (6) months, or both, within the discretion of the court.